A response to inner noises, heart's vibrations and emotional tremors.
Eine Reaktion auf innere Geräusche, Herzschwingungen und emotionale Erschütterungen.

Eva Petrič, Pendant / Anhänger, Metal wire and recycled and upcycled plexi glass parts
E@motionOmeter by Eva Petrič is a collective jewellery line composed of various "armors" inspired by the seizometer that responds to inner noises and heart's vibrations and emotional tremors, such as caused by E@motionQuakes, E@motionEruptions, and E@motionExplosions and protects against them, tuning you to your optimal E@motional blueprint ...

Eva Petrič, Pendant / Anhänger, Metal wire and recycled and upcycled plexi glass parts
E@motionOmeter jewellery collection is made of metal wire and recycled and upcycled plexi glass parts, the leftovers from the production of advertising light boxes. Onto these left over (and appearing as waste) pieces of plexi glass Eva hand engraved her photographic shadow images from her “Gra@y Matter - language of shadows series” transferred into lace patterns. These lace web like pattern motifs are exposing with their loops and twists and turns, the myriad of connections that tie us into a community of Earthlings, depending on the stability of our planet Earth.

Eva Petrič, Pendant / Anhänger, Metal wire and recycled and upcycled plexi glass parts